
About us
"Yana" is a traditional style of fishing where wooden or bamboo traps are used to block the river's flow and catch fish like Ayu, also known as sweetfish.
At Gujo Hachiman Yana, enjoy an amazing dishes with "Natural Gujo Ayu" and the wonderful location along the Nagara River.
Yana fishing starts in August.
You can descend to the Yana area, where you will feel the energy of Yana with the amazing scenery of the Nagara River.
Enjoy the special experience surrounded by nature, savouring our "Natural Gujo Ayu" dishes.
Families and groups are also welcome to join us!
*Fishing Ayu fish is not available.

Opening Season
Natural Ayu Cuisine
From Saturday, July 27, 2024 to the end of October, 2024
From Saturday, July 27, 2024 to the end of October, 2024 Reservations required
Business information
Opening hours
11:00〜15:00 (L.O. 14:30)
11:00〜15:00 (L.O. 14:30)
Opening days
27th (Sat) , 28th (Sun)
August -
Closed on Tuesdays Except August 13th (Tue), during the Bon vacation period
- Banquet reservations are required beforehand.
- Reservations are accepted for parties of 10 or more people. (Date/Time has to be negotiated.) *Reservations are accepted from 10 people or more.
- Only in August, reservations are not accepted on Saturdays, Sundays, national holidays, and during the Bon vacation period.
- Ayu fish are not released for catching, thus we do not provide any Ayu fish catching experience. You might be able to see some Ayu fish if you’re lucky!
Reservations and Inquiries
Tel number
※ご予約の際は、10日前を目安にご連絡ください。 ※ご予約は10名様以上より承ります。(時間は要相談) ※8月のみ土日祝およびお盆のご予約はできませんので予めご承ください。 ※表記価格は全て税込み価格です。 ※Please contact us 10 days in advance for reservations. ※Reservations are accepted for groups of 10 or more. (Date and time are to be discussed.) ※Only in August, reservations cannot be made for Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and the Obon vacation period. ※All prices are inclusive of tax.
The following cancellation fee will be charged for any cancellations made within 7 days of the reservation.
Opening days
Saturday 15, Sunday 16, Monday 17, Saturday 22, Sunday 23, Saturday 29, Sunday 30
500 yen OFF for customers participating in rafting tours!
*Please make a reservation if you are interested in BBQ.
Reservations and Inquiries
Tel number
※ご予約の際は、10日前を目安にご連絡ください。 ※ご予約は10名様以上より承ります。(時間は要相談) ※8月のみ土日祝およびお盆のご予約はできませんので予めご承ください。 ※表記価格は全て税込み価格です。 ※Please contact us 10 days in advance for reservations. ※Reservations are accepted for groups of 10 or more. (Date and time are to be discussed.) ※Only in August, reservations cannot be made for Saturdays, Sundays, holidays, and the Obon vacation period. ※All prices are inclusive of tax.
The following cancellation fee will be charged for any cancellations made within 7 days of the reservation.
Gujo Hachiman "Yana"
3-6 Inarigoten, Hachiman-cho, Gujo City, Gifu Prefecture

If You Are Coming by Car
5 minutes by car from Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway Gujo Hachiman I.C. 55 minutes by car from Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway Meishin Ichinomiya I.C. 40 minutes by car from Tokai-Hokuriku Expressway Gifu Kakamigahara I.C.
If You Are Coming by Train
800 meters from Nagaragawa railway "Gujo Hachiman Station".

Pictures are provided by Gujo City Historical Museum.
The Nagara River has been famous for its ayu (sweetfish) since ancient times.
"Yana" has been our primary fishing method.
During the Aoyama period, a lord-controlled "Yana" area was established in Nakano, the former Aioi Village.
According to a document from 1701, it can be inferred that people from Gifu had previously constructed "Yana" place.
The location shown in the diagram is still used as a yana fishing site every year.
瀬をはやみ おちくるあゆは やなのうへに
ただしらたまの ちるかとぞみる
by『復刻 郡上郷土史料・解説』